Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Funny Sean story

So my son, 20 months, has been drinking juice like there is no tomorrow. This morning, I realized I would have to go out to get some more. Those of you who know me will know how much I hate winter, and I hate having to go out in it!! It's even worse since I've had Sean, b/c getting a child dressed in his snowsuit is such a hassle!!

I decided to go anyway, and since I was gonna go out, I might as well get some exercise. So I put Sean in his stroller, and off we went. Although rather cold, it's quite a nice day out and I enjoyed my stroll to and from the market, about 15 minutes each way. Sean did not make a peep, he was a complete angel. So when we got back home, I let him out of his stroller and I told him I would play with him outside as long as he wanted me too, b/c he had been such a good boy. Well, he went straight to the car!! I said: You can play, we don't have anywhere to go", but he still wanted in the car. So, I said OK, we'll go for a ride if that's what you want, but really, I had NOWHERE to go!!! About 5 minutes from my house by car, there is a Café Dépot drive-thru, and since I had 3$ in my purse, I decided to get a small latte (quite a sacrifice, I'm used to the large size!). I had no money for added flavored syrup, so I told myself I'd add syrup in it when I got back home (I got a bottle for Xmas).

So we got back home, got undressed, and I went to the kitchen to add my syrup. Back in the parlor, Sean watched me drink my latte. Once I was done, I gave him the empty cup. He tried to take a sip but of course, there was nothing left in it! So he got up, went to the kitchen and pointed at my bottle of flavored syrup!!! He had seen me do it and I guess he thought that's what I had been drinking. So I put milk and chocolate syrup in the cup and gave it to him. He was so happy!

Well, maybe this is only funny to me, but I thought it was a cute story LOL!

1 comment:

Caro said...

awww cute stories! I hope it counterbalances the pulling-my-hair-out-days you've been havnig hahaha!



Oh and that must've been what Xavier had at your place and called "coffee". He cant wait for Keith to babysit again ;) I'm going to the march crop, is Keith available? hehe