Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Let's talk candy!

This is my second post for today, make sure you scroll down!

In case you are following me through a blog reader, I wanted to remind you to check out my blog once in a while. I have tons of blog candy links you might be interested in!

I recently won Katherine's candy and when my box arrived, I was like a kid on Christmas morning! :)

Sonia at Scraps4Fun is having a great Cuttlebug/Peachy Keen stamps/Stickles candy offer! Make sure you take a look!

And finally, Nikki is missing only one more follower before she draws a name for her candy!!

Thanks for stopping by and good luckā™„

1 comment:

Stacy Milford said...

Hi Claude! So glad to see you are back in blog land! I totally understand about how life sometimes gets the best of soon as school got started, all of my free time disappeared...I'm still looking for it...LOL!