Monday, June 01, 2009

If you could look at my face, you'd see relief!

Let's go back to February 2009. We registered Sean, our oldest child, for school. Yup, kindergarten in the fall! We registered him (of course) at the school five minutes away from home. In May, we were told Sean would not be able to attend that school because of lack of space. I can't link you to a blog post about that, there isn't one. I was just too sad/shocked/pi**ed to write about it.

We are still trying to get him in that school, but we kind of decided to go with the flow: after all, Sean always imagines school with a lunch box and a bus. He now gets his wish!

My biggest point of concern was how far the school he will be attending is. We were told approximately where it was. We were told there would be a bus ride of about 45 minutes just to get there. When we looked up the address in MapQuest, it showed us a place quite far away.

Okay... You're gonna tell me that he's not the only kid to take the bus. That he wont die because of it. That there are worse things. Agreed. But it's frustrating to send him 45 minutes away when there is a school 5 minutes away on foot!

Well, you know what?????!!!!?! We were completely misinformed! The address we were given was 211 E. That's not it. It's 211W. Much, much closer to our house! Probably 10 minutes away by car. Granted, he'll still have to take the school bus because I don't have a car to drive him. But at least he wont be spending an hour-and-a-half every day in it!! You know how relieved I am about that?

I still hope to be able to get Sean in the school right here before the year starts. Mostly because if he goes to the other one, he'll have to have lunch there and that's 260$ out of our pockets. 260$ that we could spend on other things, kwim? But for now, I wont dwell on that. For now, I'll just be happy that my kid will spend more time in school and with me than in the bus! :)


Caro said...


I know the school you told me about, it's right next to the Bazar! ;)

Caro said...

Oh and btw, if the kid is being forced to transfer, he is NOT supposed to pay for the lunches!!
Make sure you get those for free!!!!!

Igagnon76 said...

I'm so happy for you and Sean!!! BTW, love the new signature (did you do that with Bamboo?, if so you'll have to show me how)

Jennifer Hansen said...

I stressed out when I was trying to get Emma into preschool. I've heard who their teaches for next school year and both seem to be pretty good so that's a relief for me. Mine actually start up in mid July - they are already asking when it starts...they are such little dorks

P.S. In the States no free lunches :-( I work with people in Canada everyday and am still very jealous of your maternity leave!!!