Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween 09 : : Use Black and Orange

Good Friday everyone, how's your day shaping up? Mine started well, with a cute Optimus Prime going to school. Cute! Later, I need to make Apple Crisp for the Halloween crop at Scrapbook Centrale tonight. I always love the Halloween crop. It's pot luck, so we never know what our dinner will be!

Today's post at Practical Scrappers is all about using orange and black on our projects. Very à propos, don't you think? ;) We weren't home for Halloween last year because of the water damage in our house, so Erin invited us to join her and her family for Trick-or-Treating. We had a great time and I wanted to make a layout about it. I had the pictures in my stash for a long time, so this challenge gave me the little nudge I needed to finally do something with them.

Thank you so much for dropping by, I really appreciate it!

Life is not a race. Take it slower. Hear the music before the song is over.♥


Unknown said...

Stopping by to say hi!

You have a very nice blog. Your techniques are very appealing.

Barb said...

Super cute photos and layout, Claude! :)
Happy Halloween to you and your crew!