Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Practical Scrappers challenge blog

Through my recent blog-hopping, I stumbled onto this new blog called Practical Scrappers. Here is the description found on the blog:

This site is dedicated to making use of the supplies that we already have and are neglecting. Each week a challenge will be presented to use a specific embellishment or tool. Our design team will share some of their ideas and then you are welcome to join in and add to the ideas. Feel free to drop us a line if there is a supply you think we need to feature soon!

I think this is exactly the push I will need to use up the gazillion embellishments I own! Erin, you need to do this too, LOL!

Thanks for stopping by♥


Anonymous said...

That's fun! I always challenge myself to do that :)

Igagnon76 said...

this is really cool! i'll definately have to go take a look at it since i my spending budget will be greatly diminished, i should really use up the stuff i do have!

Erin Morehouse said...

who ME ?!?!?!
LOL! Your right Enchilada! this is exactly what need!