Saturday, August 29, 2009

First Day of School

Today was the day.
This boy's first day of school:

And you know what?
This boy's mommy didn't cry! we'll see if I stay tears-free next week when he has to take the school bus for the first time! ;)
Everything has been so rough for us recently that I chose to only see the good in this day.
I'm not losing my boy;
He'll simply be even more interesting when he comes home at night and shares with me all the new things he learned.
I'm not losing my boy;
I'm gaining some alone-time with my daughter.
Besides, he was so excited, how could I cry?

Who says the required picture by the front door/steps has to be boring?
He woke up at 7 am and said: "I'm weady fo' school!"
Since today was only for an hour-and-a-half, he had to wait a few hours!
He did get a little worried right before we had to go in:

It didn't last long, however.
I held him, kissed him and told him I'd be there waiting for him when he was done.
Soon, he was back to his normal self:

My boy facing his new world:

It wasn't planned at all, but I think it's cool that he's standing on the word "départ".

How very à-propos, don't you think?

Thanks for dropping by♥


Caro said...

Melts my heart!! I can't believe that "first first" day of my baby was 4 years ago!! Sigh.

Did he have fun? Was there a first day 'party' at the school? (We had gumboots! it was so cool)

I cant wait to hear how he's doing in the next couple of weeks!! And how Kira will be doing with my big bro being gone all day!

Erin Morehouse said...

WOW great pictures Claude!! I'm all teary ( in a good way) just seeing them!!

Barb said...

Congratulations on making it through the first day, Claude! It just gets easier from here. Promise! :)

Josée said...

Sois pa triste Claude,Il va tellement aimer ça,il va se faire plein d'amis,apprendre pleins de choses interessantes et il va être tellement fière de lui et puis ça va te donner un p'tit "break "d'en avoir un de moin durant la journée!!

Les photos sont superbes!!

JJ Sobey said...

He looks so big!!! I showed Liam the pictures and he said "That's Sean - he's my friend"

I guess Sean made an impression, LOL

PS - his hair is adorable.

Igagnon76 said...

those are great pictures! he looks so grown up, oh yeah and the hair cut is great!